Our Services - Focused on You

Our clients are working individuals and families who need assistance with managing their company sponsored retirement plans. We have worked with clients from all different backgrounds and have extensive experience with telecom employees. If you have ever asked yourself one of the following questions, we can help!

  • Am I saving enough for retirement?
  • At what age can I safely retire?
  • Will I outlive my money?
  • How should I invest inside my company’s 401(k) plan?
  • Are my investments properly diversified?
  • When should I apply for Social Security benefits?

Our knowledge and unique approach enable us to help you clarify your goals and identify the strategies to achieve them. The information you provide about your income, expenses, assets, debts, personal risk tolerance, and prioritized future goals will help us build a customized and realistic plan. Use the following worksheets to aid in the information gathering process.

Our investment philosophy

Our investment philosophy can be described with two terms – diversification and “best in class”. We invest our clients’ money in a number of diversified asset classes with the goal of blending low correlation returns together into portfolios that will provide risk appropriate, long-term returns.  Within these various asset classes, we continuously search for “best in class” money managers. We deem a manager “best in class” status if they have a long-term history of exceeding benchmark index averages through entire market cycles. In other words, not just providing high returns during the bull markets when the “rising tide is lifting all boats”, but through the bull and the inevitable bear markets that have always followed. Experience has taught us that while investors must continue to maintain a solid, long-term vision, they must also employ a disciplined, short- to intermediate-term, tactical selling strategy.

Comprehensive retirement plan solutions

As a small-business owner, you value your employees and recognize the importance of a retirement plan as part of their financial goals. At Capital Securities of Texas, we analyze the individual components of your current retirement plan and evaluate how all aspects of the plan fit together to help you maximize the benefits. We provide sophisticated strategies and professional advice to help you develop the right plan for you and your business. Our guidance allows management to focus on what they do best – run the company – while leaving the details of the retirement plan to us.

Investing involves risk. Depending on the different types of investments there may be varying degrees of risk. Clients and prospective clients should be prepared to bear investment loss including loss of original principal.
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Capital Securities of Texas